Frequently Asked Questions:
Puppy Related Inquires: (How much are your puppies? Do you have a puppy waitlist? Do you have any available puppies?)
- All of our pups are placed in the best possible homes for them based on personality and lifestyle matches. Both the pup's and yours! All questions you have can be added to the bottom of one of our puppy applications. These can be found and downloaded on our “Puppies” tab here on our website. Please download and complete said application and send back to taiga_aussies@outlook.com
You are required to fill out this document to be considered for a puppy and prior to any discussion of pricing and waitlists.
What Classes Do You Offer?
- We offer a variety of agility and obedience training classes for all different skill levels and on different times/days of the year. We do our best to keep our “Services” and “Book Your Class” tabs regularly up to date. For any specific requests or if you can’t find the answer you’re looking for please email us at taiga_aussies@outlook.com
What Payment Methods Do You Accept?
- Unless otherwise agreed to or specified, we accept Cash and E-transfers at this time.
What Titles/Accomplishments/Health Testing Do Your Dogs Possess?
- We try to regularly update our “Our Girls” and “Our Boys” tabs to add in any achievements and CKC/legally required (or "Ocean preferred") health testing to keep you as well informed as possible on our growing Taiga family!
How Do I Keep Up With You/The Dogs?
- You can find us and our regular every day adventuring on our Instagram @taiga_aussies or on Facebook at Taiga Australian Shepherds
Instructions/Rules For Classes (Emailed To You Automatically At Sign Up)
- At our rented field, there is no available washroom facilities on-site. Please be aware of this before you arrive. There are several retailers or coffee shops within a 2 minute drive if necessary.
- Please potty your dog before coming in the agility field, as well clean up after them. We have a garbage for your poop bags. If your dog does have an accident in the ring please notify your trainer immediately so we can spray it down.
- Please respect our trainers and fellow clients by heeding to the times and instructions specified. Please enter and exit the training area at your specified class times. If you are the last class of the evening, please promptly exit the gate so we can lock up behind you. If you are early and the gate is closed, please pull off to the side to allow space for us to open the gate and enter before you.
- Please do not enter the gate until FIVE MINUTES before your class start time, as we do not want to disrupt the last minutes of the previous class. Likewise, at the end of your 55 minute class, you will have a 5 minute buffer to collect your things and exit the ring before the next class starts.
-During class you will be paired up and will alternate on what you are working on, please don’t use equipment that you are not instructed to be working on when it is not your turn. Lots of injuries happen this way!
- Please have your dog on leash when it is not their turn so other dogs can safely run.
- We run rain or shine. However, sometimes severe weather presents itself (ex: extreme heat warnings, tornado risk, lightening etc.)
If weather is a factor and classes are cancelled or rescheduled, Ocean will be in contact with you ASAP. Otherwise, classes run as scheduled.
- Deposits: a non-refundable deposit is required for all of our training.
A $50 deposit is required to secure your spot in our group Agility classes and a $40 consultation call is required prior to your first private training session, for both Obedience and Agility.
- Please stick to the payment method you have selected on your form (Cash or Etransfer) and contact Ocean as soon as possible if this needs to change. As always, prompt payment is appreciated.
- For your first class, please have all cash and/or necessary documentation ready for your trainer on arrival. This includes an up-to-date copy of your pet(s) vaccination information showing the expiry dates for RABIES, DISTEMPER and BORDATELLA (aka Kennel Cough) and you will also be asked to sign a waiver before beginning.
- Private obedience lessons: Unless mutually agreed to, these lessons will take place at your (the client's) home. Please ensure your address is correct and contact Ocean if this is not possible so other arrangements can be made at minimum 48 hours before your training session.
- Cancellation: As mentioned above, all deposits are non-refundable. If the need arises for you to reschedule or cancel your private lesson or if you will miss your scheduled group class, please let Ocean know at least 24 hours prior or you will lose the class.
- Things you'll want to bring with you:
Water and a bowl for your dog
A leash and a crate if needed
(if you're training more than one dog)
Bug spray and sunscreen
High value treats
Poop bags
A jacket if you have a later class
- If you must bring your children with you, we ask that you bring someone to watch them if they cannot be left unattended without disrupting class. There is space for lawn chairs outside of the training arena and our trainers do reserve the right to ask you to remove your children from the ring if safety or distractions are a concern.